New Year, Happy Me!

New Year, Happy Me!

A new year always brings with it a heart for change, to do better, to be better. Whether you’re a new year resolutions kind of person, or not, we all want to make the most of the 365 days ahead.

For some, it’s exciting, having the opportunity to start afresh, but for many of us, back in the office, wading through more than 365 emails, reluctantly eating our kale and quinoa salad, exhausted from our first (and probably last) 5am spinning class, it’s easy to feel deflated, depressed, and already defeated. And it’s only the first week of work.

So this year, change it up. Make the list of things you probably should do in your life; lose weight, exercise more, eat less sugar, be nice to the in-laws…and then make another list.

A list of the things that make you genuinely happy. Things you look forward to, that excite you and inspire you. Perhaps it’s playing soccer with your son, or reading romance novels. Maybe it’s catching up with old friends, or trying new recipes. Write down all the things that put the biggest smile on your face, that make you feel good about yourself and the world around you. And do more of that.

With this in mind, we asked a few people, what do they want to do more of this year?

Really enjoy and appreciate time with family and friends. I would love to go on more outdoor adventures and laugh more with my family. Even if it is just entering into the world of my two children’s imaginations and searching out all the “dinosaurs” in our garden with them.” – Brad

“Get more musical instruments to increase the size of our church band and so that I can learn and improve more on those instruments that I’m not too familiar with.” – Emmanuel

“Work more on building our home. I’m excited for my family and I to have a better home to live in.” – Morgan

“Mince Pies! Jokes, well kind of. Why can’t it be Christmas everyday… maybe every weekend to start. I want to spend more time drinking and eating and laughing with family and friends, not just on special occasions. Start making our way towards the “Italian family lunchtime gathering” style and way of life. Maybe even try and come home for lunch or a really early dinner every day with my family.” – Ryan

“Do more yoga, cook meals together with my family, and meet new people!” – Kerry

So at the end of the day, we only have one new year’s resolution. Do more of what makes you genuinely happy. That’s it. And the rest of those resolutions? There’s always next year!

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