How to make homemade granola

It’s kinda ‘nuts’ paying up to $20 for a bag of healthy breakfast cereal.

Especially when this is such a fun (and educational) thing to do with the kids at home.

It’s not hard and doesn’t take long either.

So here’s how to make organic homemade granola at home. The amount of variations are limitless, so have fun with it!

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How we afford organic food

It’s June 2024 and I just learned that my house insurance is going up 40%.

It seems like the cost of everything is going up.

My family feels it. Ooooby feels it.

You’re probably feeling it too.

In this environment, the number one thing on my mind is how can I keep my kids healthy, happy and thriving?

We are what we eat, so I’m not gonna sacrifice my kid’s nutrition just because the economy is in a slump.

Fortunately, a few simple changes to our lifestyle have made a huge difference.

And you know what?

We’re healthier and happier as a family for it.

I’d like to share this with you as well as some tips to save on organics.

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NZ ‘Fart Tax’: Here’s why the government’s plans are full of hot air

Today farmers are protesting across New Zealand.

The NZ government is pushing forward with its unpopular plans to tax farmers for livestock “emissions”.

Farmers are already struggling as the costs of agricultural inputs, labour and energy go through the roof. Forcing them to pay more tax would be a knockout punch.

Food prices will certainly increase – possibly quite dramatically.

The government claims it is doing this because they say they need to prevent the next global emergency: climate change.

They admit it will cause a “reduction in quality of living” and “increased stress and mental health issues” (Section 4.4).

As co-CEO of Ooooby, a certified permaculture teacher and someone who lives on a sustainable farm, I can confidently say this:

It will be a disaster.

Continue reading NZ ‘Fart Tax’: Here’s why the government’s plans are full of hot air

Ooooby and Masterchef Tim Read host intimate dinner to chew over mental health

There is something magical about people sharing good food together.

Interesting and meaningful conversations flow naturally.

An intimate setting inspires conversations that are real, honest and personal.

Over three evenings in July this year Ooooby had the pleasure of collaborating with 2015 MasterChef winner Tim Read to bring people together around a dinner table of wholesome, healthy and finely prepared food.

It’s called Table-Talk.

Its purpose is to create an intimate setting that encourages conversation around nutrition, wellness and mental health.

Total strangers. Personal questions. Zero alcohol.

Here’s what happened…

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Bullshit: UK Media claim that organic farming is “the most dangerous”. Here’s why.

An article in The Guardian claims that organic and pasture-fed beef and lamb are “the most damaging farm products” and “arguably the most destructive industry on Earth”.

We find this notion absurd.

At best it demonstrates a shallow understanding of regenerative and organic farming practices. At worst, it’s a direct attack on organic and regenerative farming and shameless promotion for a billion dollar fake meat industry.

Continue reading Bullshit: UK Media claim that organic farming is “the most dangerous”. Here’s why.

7 scientific studies that prove organic foods keep you healthy

Science is finally catching up with common sense.

In recent years a number of important studies have been published that show how eating organic food:

  • Keeps you healthier
  • Makes you less likely to develop diseases such as cancer, parkinson’s and autism.
  • And that conventional food does the opposite

You’ve probably already known this for years.

Maybe you’ve had to learn this through painful personal experience.

I have.

It was painful, and frustrating.

Continue reading 7 scientific studies that prove organic foods keep you healthy

Build and pack flavour into your meals!

“Oh my word that was delicious!!”

“I could eat that all day, every day!”

At first, many of us probably start with food as a means to simply feed ourselves. With time, however and if you become more involved with what you eat and the process of preparing the food, this can evolve. It becomes about health, it becomes about nourishment and it also becomes about joy and experience as you start to fall more and more in love with food.

A meal that is seemingly the same in principal and by name, can be worlds apart in terms of flavour and enjoyment, when created with more intent or by a more experienced cook. 

Continue reading Build and pack flavour into your meals!

Trading New Year’s Resolutions for New Year’s Intentions

Intentions versus Goal Setting – What’s the Difference?

1. Goals are focused on the future. Intentions are in the present moment.
2. Goals are a destination or specific achievement. Intentions are lived each day, independent of achieving the goal or destination.
3. Goals are external achievements. Intentions are about your relationship with yourself and others.

Continue reading Trading New Year’s Resolutions for New Year’s Intentions

What is food?

What is food?

Picture it…

You’re in your kitchen or dining room. There are the wafts of mouth watering aromas, the clanging of pots and pans. Someone shouting for the salt, there’s music and laughter. The scene may seem like chaos, but is actually a well choreographed dance. Chopping and sautéing, tufts of flour in the air. The shifting of pans, the ignition of a stove flame.

Big bowls of hearty wholesome food. Beautiful succulent free range meats, fresh green organic salads. Pasta glistening with the generosity of love… and Olive oil. There is always olive oil and lots of it. Fresh artisan bread, broken apart and strewn across the table, crumbs and all. There is a mesh of hands and arms reaching and grabbing, sharing bowls and plates each filled with unique and delicious flavours.

There is the glugging and sloshing of wine, from bottle to glass and glass to mouth, some of which even adds to the tapestry of colours on what was once a pristine white table cloth. Salute and buon appetito.

So what is food?

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