Trading New Year’s Resolutions for New Year’s Intentions

Intentions versus Goal Setting – What’s the Difference?

1. Goals are focused on the future. Intentions are in the present moment.
2. Goals are a destination or specific achievement. Intentions are lived each day, independent of achieving the goal or destination.
3. Goals are external achievements. Intentions are about your relationship with yourself and others.

Why not set some Intentions in 2021 instead of Resolutions

New Year’s is a time when we reflect usually on our goals for the year ahead —better health, getting in shape, a new job, travel, or finding a relationship.

But change is hard. It requires a real commitment, planning, and follow-through. A 2007 research study by psychologist Richard Wiseman found that 88 percent of people fail to achieve their New Year’s resolutions.

The reason:

Setting and reaching goals isn’t strictly about self-discipline or willpower; it’s about intention and finding pleasure in pursuing what matters to you. What you value matters. 
In fact, Wiseman’s research found that humans have a fairly limited reserve of willpower, so trying to change more than one thing at a time tends to be overwhelming for most of us.

Instead of setting a resolution this year, you could try setting an intention. You might get better results.

The first step is to clarify that intention. Ask yourself what you want to cultivate in your life.

What are your New Year’s Intentions?