Bullshit: UK Media claim that organic farming is “the most dangerous”. Here’s why.

An article in The Guardian claims that organic and pasture-fed beef and lamb are “the most damaging farm products” and “arguably the most destructive industry on Earth”.

We find this notion absurd.

At best it demonstrates a shallow understanding of regenerative and organic farming practices. At worst, it’s a direct attack on organic and regenerative farming and shameless promotion for a billion dollar fake meat industry.

Continue reading Bullshit: UK Media claim that organic farming is “the most dangerous”. Here’s why.

7 scientific studies that prove organic foods keep you healthy

Science is finally catching up with common sense.

In recent years a number of important studies have been published that show how eating organic food:

  • Keeps you healthier
  • Makes you less likely to develop diseases such as cancer, parkinson’s and autism.
  • And that conventional food does the opposite

You’ve probably already known this for years.

Maybe you’ve had to learn this through painful personal experience.

I have.

It was painful, and frustrating.

Continue reading 7 scientific studies that prove organic foods keep you healthy

Build and pack flavour into your meals!

“Oh my word that was delicious!!”

“I could eat that all day, every day!”

At first, many of us probably start with food as a means to simply feed ourselves. With time, however and if you become more involved with what you eat and the process of preparing the food, this can evolve. It becomes about health, it becomes about nourishment and it also becomes about joy and experience as you start to fall more and more in love with food.

A meal that is seemingly the same in principal and by name, can be worlds apart in terms of flavour and enjoyment, when created with more intent or by a more experienced cook. 

Continue reading Build and pack flavour into your meals!

Trading New Year’s Resolutions for New Year’s Intentions

Intentions versus Goal Setting – What’s the Difference?

1. Goals are focused on the future. Intentions are in the present moment.
2. Goals are a destination or specific achievement. Intentions are lived each day, independent of achieving the goal or destination.
3. Goals are external achievements. Intentions are about your relationship with yourself and others.

Continue reading Trading New Year’s Resolutions for New Year’s Intentions

What is food?

What is food?

Picture it…

You’re in your kitchen or dining room. There are the wafts of mouth watering aromas, the clanging of pots and pans. Someone shouting for the salt, there’s music and laughter. The scene may seem like chaos, but is actually a well choreographed dance. Chopping and sautéing, tufts of flour in the air. The shifting of pans, the ignition of a stove flame.

Big bowls of hearty wholesome food. Beautiful succulent free range meats, fresh green organic salads. Pasta glistening with the generosity of love… and Olive oil. There is always olive oil and lots of it. Fresh artisan bread, broken apart and strewn across the table, crumbs and all. There is a mesh of hands and arms reaching and grabbing, sharing bowls and plates each filled with unique and delicious flavours.

There is the glugging and sloshing of wine, from bottle to glass and glass to mouth, some of which even adds to the tapestry of colours on what was once a pristine white table cloth. Salute and buon appetito.

So what is food?

Continue reading What is food?

We’re Trying to Avoid Plastics and Keep your Food in the Nude!

At Ooooby, we try to keep all your fresh food in the nude. This means without excess packaging, especially plastic. This reduces the amount of ‘stuff’ that needs to go in bins to be sent to landfill. 

When ditching plastic, the biggest challenge in the food sector is to implement systems which prevent product waste, don’t compromise health and hygiene, and don’t put cost pressures on the most vulnerable in our society, especially when it comes to food.

That’s a lot, isn’t it?

Continue reading We’re Trying to Avoid Plastics and Keep your Food in the Nude!

Q&A with Hunters Organic Farm

One of the longest-standing organic growers for Ooooby, Sally and Huunter of Hunters Organic Farm tell us a little about what it means to them to be an organic farmer.

They have also recently started a new farm in Waikato, with rich, healthy soils and they are supplying Ooooby with amazing fresh produce.

Let’s get to know them a little better…

Continue reading Q&A with Hunters Organic Farm

Attitude of Gratitude

New research is starting to explore how gratitude works to improve our physical and mental health.

Developing an ‘attitude of gratitude’ is one of the simplest ways to improve your satisfaction with life. Just taking a few minutes a day to reflect on the things you are thankful can improve well-being, physical health, and mind states. 

What is Gratitude?

Gratitude is a spontaneous feeling but, increasingly, research demonstrates its value as a practice—that is, making conscious efforts to count one’s blessings. Research shows that people can deliberately cultivate gratitude—and there are important social and personal benefits to doing so. It is possible to feel grateful for family, friends, colleagues, animals, nature, and life in general. The emotion generates a climate of positivity that begins internally and extends outward.

Why is Gratitude Important? 

Gratitude strengthens relationships, and its roots run deep in evolutionary history—emanating from the survival value of helping others and being helped in return. Studies show that specific areas of the brain are involved in experiencing and expressing gratitude. Brain scans of people assigned a task that stimulates expression of gratitude show lasting changes in the prefrontal cortex that heighten sensitivity to future experiences of gratitude.

Feeling grateful boosts happiness and fosters both physical and psychological health, even among those already struggling with mental health problems. Studies show that practicing gratitude diminishes feelings of depression and negative emotions like guilt, shame, and jealousy. 

Ways to Foster Gratitude in your Daily Life: 

1. Keep a journal of or in some way note big and little joys of daily life.

2. Write down “three good things”—identify three things that have gone well for you and identify the cause.

3. Write thank-you notes to others or send text messages or emails.

4. Think about people who have inspired you and what about them was most significant.

5. Engage in “mental subtraction.” Imagine what your life would be like if some positive event had not occurred.

Share some Gratitude with Others who are in a Tough Spot

The 2020 Covid-19 crisis has been difficult for all of us, but for some far more than others. The extended period of time in alert level 3 for Auckland has put immense pressure on some of our most vulnerable people who were already struggling.

Don’t forget that you are already doing great:

Remember that your Ooooby order is also a force for good by serving your family healthy, organic produce, promoting sustainable agriculture, and supporting local growers and businesses. 

You can also add a weekly donation to your weekly delivery for a little extra goodness! Your contribution will help Kiwi Harvest to provide delicious, healthy food to those in need throughout Auckland. 




Q and A with Siema Organic Farm

Q and A with Siema Organic Farm

“We have always had a passion for wholesome foods. So eating organic and growing organically is a natural progression of this.”

Nestled between the Hunua Ranges Regional Park and the Firth of Thames, beautiful Kaiaua is home to a subtropical orchard paradise. Having chosen to leave the city and live a life that is the thing of dreams for most of us, Gemma and Sione run Siema Organic Farm. Raising their children in touch with nature and producing some truly exceptional organic fruit. So what does it take to grow organically and make the switch from city life to running a farm? Read on to find out.

Why have you chosen to be a farmer and for how long have you been farming?

Looking at options to escape city life and move towards living in a more sustainable and holistic way of life, we then discovered Tikapa Moana at the market and it really aligned with what we were looking for.

We were familiar with Bill and Marilyn (the owners at the time) through the Grey Lynn market and Ooooby boxes. Having previously had very little experience of managing an orchard, we jumped at the opportunity to learn everything we could from Bill and Marilyn.

Over the 6 month hand over period our family spent every free weekend on the orchard with Bill and Marilyn who kindly shared their knowledge with us. It was a very special and unique situation for us all and we feel blessed to of had that ‘internship’ experience with them and we have now been on this land for almost three years.

Why organic / regenerative / biodynamic farming over conventional farming?

We have always had a passion for wholesome foods, so eating organic and growing organically is a natural progression of this. Applying permaculture principles to the work we do is how we farm in the orchard and we work with nature along the way.

We have also introduced some animals into the system, a flock of chickens and welsh harlequin ducks and more recently some lambs. 

“I think freshness is the key, we pick to order and this really makes a difference.”

Little lambs on Siema Farm

Why do you grow the products you do and what is your favourite produce to grow? 

Many of the trees that we currently harvest from are thanks to the previous kaitiaki of the land Bill Brownell. Lucky for us Bill ensured we produced fruit all year round from our subtropical orchard.

We have added in a few extras, like finger limes, lemonades, kefir lime, and expanded the banana grove. So we will be able to supply bananas in the future. Each season brings a new favourite for us and it is incredible watching the orchard shift and change. One moment we are picking an abundance of plums the next we have heaps of figs.

The seasons bring exciting creative opportunities for us. Any surplus gets captured and stored in some way, through dehydrating, pickling, preserving.

What are the biggest challenges you face?

With two children, an orchard, vegetable garden and the animals, we have the day to day challenge of finding enough hours of the day to get everything complete. Then there’s the bigger challenges of climate change and food security that are circling around the peripheries of our mind.

Siema farm with the family

What do you wish consumers knew and appreciated about the food you grow?

I think freshness is the key, we pick to order and this really makes a difference. The taste and nutritional value are at a peak and this, for us, is what food is about.

What effect has working with Ooooby had on you?

Working with Ooooby has been incredible for us. We feel aligned with Ooooby’s principles and core mission and that’s important.

When Ooooby first opened up in Auckland we were living in the suburbs and we were a customer of Ooooby. Gemma even did some packing and delivery a few times when they were operating from a container in Grey Lynn.

Knowing that we can work with Ooooby and get our produce out to customers. It is a blessing for a small operation like ours. 

“We really enjoy being out in the orchard picking”

What is the strangest / toughest thing you have tried to grow?

We have a few unusual and strange fruits growing here. I think buddha hand is the most strange looking.

What is your favourite fruit / veg to eat? 

It’s hard to say, We often find ourselves saying….”That is the best (fruit) I have ever tasted”

Do you have a funny story / anecdote from your time in the field?

We really enjoy being out in the orchard picking and I think every pick provides an opportunity for laughter. The most recent one that comes to mind is when we were picking casimiroa in the rain.

The long drought was beginning to break and the rain was so heavy. As a result, we were all soaking wet with massive smiles on our faces. The joy was incredible and all of us began dancing in the rain. Except for our woofer and dog, who tried unsuccessfully to hide under a tree. They did not look happy at all. 

Persimmons from Siema Farm

Do you have any particular recipes or ideas for the best use of some of your products?

We have so many and so I will share with you the ones that we are enjoying right now with the produce we have available. Fuerte avocado, limes and grapefruit.

I like to simply juice the grapefruit and have it first thing in the morning. I am sure it helps to keep winter colds at bay.

If you enjoy tempeh I have a great recipe for you – Fried Tempeh with lime and tamari.

Olive oil for frying
Juice of one lime
2 tsp tamari
1 block of tempeh.

Slice the tempeh into strips and fry in the oil on medium heat until golden on both sides. Whilst the tempeh is frying, juice the lime and mix with the tamari.

Once the tempeh is cooked and still in the hot frying pan (heat turned off), pour the lime tamari mixture over the tempeh. Leave to sizzle for a moment.

The tempeh is great on a salad or in a sandwich with Fuerte avocado and lettuce.

To find out more:

Do you want to see which of the delicious organic produce From Siema Organic Farm is currently available through Ooooby? Click here – Siema Organic Farm Produce

You can also see what Siema Organic Farm is up to by visiting their FaceBook page: Siema Organic Farm FaceBook

Visit https://www.ooooby.co.nz to get all your organic food needs delivered to your home and don’t forget that all this great produce can help keep you healthy.

Already a fan and want to help us spread the word while also standing the chance to win 1 year of FREE Ooooby produce. Read here to learn more: Ooooby Referral Competition.